Centers Of Excellence
Proposal For Centers Of Excellence Of Robonomics AI
Robonomics AI is an Australia born technology start up that has expanded to India. We enable organizations apply AI-First technologies to either solve specific problem or to reinvent themselves, create new offerings, evolve business models and disrupt their industries. We are pioneering an AI-First approach to Digital Transformation, with products and services that support our clients throughout their automation journey of 5 Es Education, Envisioning, Experimentation, Executing through to Excelling. Our solutions are built by integrating emerging advanced technologies stitched together to solve specific client problems and realize their visions. These technologies include Robotics process automation process mining big data analytics machine learning computer vision internet of things blockchain and drones.

Robotics Automation
We bring the experience of several robotics deployments in Australia. We have deep partnerships with leading product vendors form across the globe.
We are part of the team that established “offshoring” as the prime delivery methodology in Australia. After managing over $ 1 Billion of engagements involving offshoring, we now believe “Robotics” is a more potent alternative.
We come from a lineage of transformational implementations of SAP. Oracle and other software in some of the largest organizations in Australia and overseas! Having built one of the largest SAP Practices in A&NZ, we understand the needs of transformational change and have built it into the core of our implementation methodology.
Business Process Reengineering
We bring with us the experience of Big 4 Process Reengineering that gives us the ability to analyze existing processes and build a roadmap towards Robotic Process Improvement.
Business incubation has been globally recognized as an important tool for robotic development and AI Implementation. So far a network of about 100 companies supported by the Robonomics AI exists across the globe which have nurtured over 258 projects. The existing COE’s woul act as a reservoir of knowledge in venture promotion including the resources and networks and help students in aligning the linkages with both national as well as international partners. These centres would be able to nurture a large number of students and be able to provide them with the best of services that would enable a greater percentage of scalable and high growth ventures. Such centers would bring with them maturity and experience in incubation, best practices for nurturing students, capability to accelerate businesses and provide global networks for startups to exploit. Thus the Robonomics AI proposes to strengthen existing capacities of COE’s and support potential start-ups with different pursuits and practices in transferring technological innovations into marketable products/high-growth companies.
Objectives of Robonomics AI
– Enhancing the employability of students
– Exposure to students on current trend of technologies in the industry
– We do proved placement assistance to eligible students who enroll with us
– Enhancing the faculty member’s knowledge with industry demand on Digital 2.0 Technologies
– Bringing in access to the professors from Australian Universities for the students and professors in India to work together on projects
Eligibility for Submission of a Proposal of COE
a. The proposal is to be submitted by an existing AICTE approved college, which has been in existence for at least five years. The host institute is supposed to provide adequate expertise and infrastructure for scaling up of existing incubation activities.
b. In non-academic institution, it should be a legal entity registered in India with the clear purpose and objective of promoting research, innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. It would be essential to have partnership with at least one academic institute of repute/technical institutes of repute/existing CoE’s bodies engaged in promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship.
c. The financial support for establishing a Robonomics AI would be extended from the institude/ University, to collaborate with an industry, an academic institution and with other institution of repute focusing on innovation, research, commercialization and start-up promotion.
Review and Monitoring
The continuation of support and training to the COE will be provided by Robonomics AI every year. As and when it is felt necessary, a team constituted by Robonomic may be sent for training and monitoring of the progress of the CoE.
Evaluation of Proposal
The proposals are evaluated based on the merit and the capability of the Host TBI/Institution in promoting technology based startups. The evaluation is done by the National Expert Advisory Committee on Innovation, incubation and Technology Entrepreneurship, constitude by the Department consisting of experts in the domain of R&D, technology development & commercialization, entrepreneurship etc.
General Guidelines
(i) The current focus areas are robotics, software development, and Internet of Things (IOT) etc. These areas are suggestive but are not restrictive.
(ii) The proposal should be accompanied by both forwarding letter by the Host Institute (HI) and endorsement from the Head of the Institution. In case of educational institute (Head of the Institution) should forward the proposal.
(iii) The Host Institute/Governing Body of Robonomics would put in place a proper mechanism for ensuring proper implementation and execution of Centre of excellence.
(iv) The grantee is required to send two copies each of following to Department of Science and Technology at the end of each financial year as well as at the time of seeking further installments of the grant, if any a. Progress report (hard & soft copy); b. Audited statement of accounts relating to the amount sanctioned; and c. Utilization certificate, in the prescribed Performa.
(v) All the assets acquired or created from the grant shall be installed in the premises of the Institute and not in any other department/Division of the host institute, unless specifically approved.