Civil Engineering

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Polytechnic, B. N. College of Engineering & Technology Lucknow. As we are witnessing very fast changes in technological developments and innovations, the future mode of teaching and learning process definitely will take a new turn. Considering all the
changing dynamics, the college has recruited highly qualified and dedicated faculty members.
The laboratories have been setup not only according to BTE syllabus but also with the state-of-
the-art equipment. The college offers diploma courses in Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. All the courses are approved by AICTE and affiliated with State Board of Technical Education, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
Vision, Planning, Strategy and execution all play a vital role in an institution’s growth that’s why
our college is committed to provide quality education with upgraded methodologies. Apart from
academic activities, the co-curricular activities- Sports, Cultural Events, Technical Events and
social service activities lead to holistic development of the students. We are aimed to demonstrate the core content via guest lectures, industrial visits and by organizing the in-house specialized training to our students. I invite you to experience the unique environment at Polytechnic, BNCET, which is continuously marching on path of excellence. I wish you all the best and I assure a good and supportive environment for you to achieve success as Diploma Engineers.

Er. Dheeraj Kumar

Civil Engineering Department has been established in 2013 with an intake of 60. Civil engineering involves utilization of scientific knowledge for comfort and welfare of human beings. It deals with construction activities of civil engineering structures like buildings, bridges, water supply schemes, tunnels, roads, railways, airports and development of small cities. It also includes utilization and planning of human resources, machines, money and materials.  It also involves waste disposal and transportation.
Civil engineering has opportunities in government, public and private sector. Civil engineers can also become job providers by entrepreneurship and having their own construction industry or registering as a contractor with various government and public sectors. They can also pursue graduation, post graduation and further doctorate.
The department has kept updating to well equip laboratories. It also offers additional software trainings to our students.


To develop competent Civil Engineers and establish the process of teaching and learning to meet the global standards for sustainable environment.

  • Provide quality technical knowledge and skills with updated curriculum, faculty development and infrastructural facilities.
  • To impart the technical skills in concerned with industrial experts based on latest technologies of Civil Engineering
  • Encourage students to pursue higher education and various career enhancing courses
  • Facilitate our students and faculty to play leadership roles for the welfare of the society in a sustainable manner

PEO1:Develop competent civil engineering technicians with professional skills, knowledge, abilities & attitude for wage employment and/or to become entrepreneur.

PEO2:Provide opportunities and develop competence to work as a leader, manager or team member in multidisciplinary civil engineering works and projects.

PEO3:Develop effective communication skills – Verbal, Written and Graphical, to justify technical solutions for diverse targets associated with civil engineering works.

PEO4:Provide opportunities and develop students in terms of social, economic and environment sensitive as responsible professionals.

PEO5:Develop understanding towards use of different codes – local, national and international, for execution of civil engineering works.

PSO 1: Enhancing the employability skills by making the students capable of qualifying National level competitive examinations

PSO 2: Inculcating technical competencies in students to deal with practical aspects of civil engineering.

PSO 3: Cognizance of social awareness and environmental necessity along with ethical responsibility to have a successful career and to become an entrepreneur.

PO1- Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.

PO2- Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.

PO3- Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs.

PO4- Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

PO5- Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

PO6- Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well defined engineering activities.

PO7- Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Sr. No



Major Equipments

List of Experiments


Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines

Mr. Veenesh yadav

1. Bernoulli’s apparatus,  

2. venturimeter,

3.Reynold’s apparatus,  

4. current meter and pitot tube

1. To verify Bernoulli’s Theorem  

2. To find out venturimeter coefficient  

3. To determine coefficient of velocity (Cv), Coefficient of discharge (Cd) Coefficient of contraction (Cc) of an orifice and verify the relation between them  

4. To perform Reynold’s experiment  

5. To verify loss of head in pipe flow due to a. Sudden enlargement b. Sudden contraction c. Sudden bend  

6. Demonstration of use of current meter and pitot tube

7. To determine coefficient of discharge of a rectangular notch and triangular notch.



Concrete Technology

Mr. Shivam gupta

1. Vicate apparatus,  

2. Le Chatleir apparatus,  

3. Crushing strength,  

4. Tensile strength,  

5. Sieve analysis

1. To determine the physical properties of cement such as fineness, consistency, setting time, soundness and compressive strength of cement as per IS Codes  

2. To determine flakiness and elongation index of coarse aggregate  

3. To determine silt content in fine aggregate  

4. Determination of specific gravity and water absorption of aggregates  

5. Determination of bulk density and voids of aggregates

6. Determination of particle size distribution of fine, coarse and all-in-one aggregate by sieve analysis (grading of aggregate)  

7. To determine bulking of fine aggregates  

8. To determine workability by slump test and to verify the effect of water, fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio and aggregate/Cement ratio on slump  

9. Compaction factor test for workability  

10. Non destructive test on concrete by: a) Rebound Hammer Test b) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test  

11. To determine compressive strength of concrete cubes for different grades of concrete  

12. To determine flexural strength of concrete beam



Environmental Studies

Dr. Rajeev pandey

1. PH Meter,  

2. Turbidity Meter,  

3. T.D.S. Meter,

4. Noise Meter,

5. Conductivity,

6. B.O.D. Teat,

7. C.O.D. Teat,

8. B.O.D. Incubator

1. Determination of pH of drinking water  

2. Determination of TDS in drinking water  

3. Determination of TSS in drinking water  

4. Determination of hardness in drinking water  

5. Determination of oil & grease in drinking water 

 6. Determination of alkalinity in drinking water  

7. Determination of acidity in drinking water  

8. Determination of organic/inorganic solid in drinking water  

9. Determination of pH of soil  

10. Determination of N&P (Nitrogen & Phosphorus) of soil  

11. To measure the noise level in classroom and industry.  

12. To segregate the various types of solid waste in a locality.  

13. To study the waste management plan of different solid waste  

14. To study the effect of melting of floating ice in water due to global warming



Structural Mechanics

Mr. Ashish puri

1. U.T.M., 2.Framed structure

1. Determination of yield stress, ultimate stress, percentage elongation and plot the stress strain diagram and compute the value of young’s modulus on mild steel

2. Testing of HYSD Steel  

3. Determination of Young’s modulus of elasticity for steel wire with searl’s apparatus  

4. Determination of modulus of rupture of a concrete beam  

5. Determination of maximum deflection and young’s modulus of elasticity in simply supported beam with load at middle third point  

6. Verification of forces in a framed structure



Building Construction

Mr.Durgesh srivastava

building drawing

1. Demonstration of tools and plants used in building construction  

2. To prepare Layout of a building: two rooms building with front verandah  

3. To construct brick bonds (English bond only) in one, one and half and two brick thick: (a) Walls for L, T and cross junction (b) Columns  

4. Demonstration of following items of work at construction site by:

  • Timbering of excavated trenching
  • Laying damp proof courses
  • Construction of masonry walls
  • Laying of tile flooring on an already prepared lime concrete base
  • Plastering and pointing exercise
  • Constructing RCC work
  • Pre-construction and post construction termite treatment of building and woodwork
  • Interlocking tiles



Building Drawings

Mr.Durgesh srivastava

Drawing Desk

Drawing No. 1 (2 sheets) Details of spread footing foundations for a load bearing and non-load bearing wall for given thickness of walls with the help of given data or rule of the thumb, showing offsets, position of DPC. The details of the concrete and brick apron have to be shown in the drawing.  

Drawing No. 2 (one sheet) Plans of ‘T’ and Corner junction of walls of 1 Brick, 1-1/2 Brick and 2 brick thick in English bond  

Drawing No. 3 (one sheet) Drawing plan, elevation of arches: circular arch, segmental arch (one sheet)  

Drawing No. 4 (3 sheets) Elevation, sectional plan and sectional side elevation of flush door, fully glazed door, fully panelled door with wire gauge shutter. Partly panelled and partly glazed door. Section-II  

Drawing No. 5 (2 sheet) Drawing plan, elevation of a small building by measurement and foundation detail and sectional elevation.  

Drawing No. 6 (4 sheets) Drawing detailed working plan, elevation and section of a residential building from a given line plan or given data showing details of foundations, roof and parapet  

Drawing No. 7 (one sheet) Drawings of following floors Cement concrete floors at ground level and at first floor level. i) Brick floors: a) Diagonal Bond b) Herring Bone Bond ii) Bonded cement concrete flooring/ Marble flooring/ Terrazzo flooring iii) Ceramic/vitrified tile flooring  

Drawing No. 8 (one sheet) Drawing of flat roof, showing the heat/thermal insulation provisions. Section-III  

Drawing No. 9 (one sheet) Drawing details of damp proofing arrangement of roofs and walls as per BIS Code. Show the rain water drainage arrangement also. Drawing Damp Proofing details in basement of buildings.



Communication Skill-II

Mr. Aditya gupta

Computer Lab 


Speaking and Listening Skills  

  • Debate  
  • Telephonic Conversation: general etiquette for making and receiving calls  
  • Offering- Responding to offers.  
  • Requesting – Responding to requests  
  • Congratulating 
  • Exploring sympathy and condolences  
  • Asking Questions- Polite Responses  
  • Apologizing, forgiving  
  • Complaining 
  • Warning 
  • Asking and giving information  
  • Getting and giving permission  
  • Asking for and giving opinions


Highway Engineering

Mr. Ashish puri

1. Loss angyless,  

2. Bitamin less,

3. Impact testing m/c,  

4. Sieve Test,  

5. Slump Test. 

1. Determination of penetration value of bitumen  

2. Determination of softening point of bitumen  

3. Determination of ductility of bitumen  

4. Determination of impact value of the road aggregate

5. Determination of abrasion value (Los Angeles’) of road aggregate  

6. Determination of crushing strength of aggregate  

7. Determination of the California bearing ratio (CBR) for the sub-grade soil  

8. Demonstration of working of hot mix plant through a field visit  

9. Visit to highway construction site for demonstration of operation of: Tipper, tractors (wheel and crawler), scraper, bulldozer, dumpers, shovels, grader, roller, dragline, road pavers,  

10. Demonstration of working of mixing and spraying equipment through a field visit



Surveying – I

Mr. Shivam gupta

1. Auto Level,

2. Dumpy Level,  

3. Chain,  

4. Compass, 

5. Leveling staff, 

6. Ranging Road


  1. Chain surveying i) a) Ranging a line b) Chaining a line and recording in the field book c) Taking offsets – perpendicular and oblique (with a tape only) d) Setting out right angle with a tape ii) Chaining of a line involving reciprocal ranging iii) Chaining a line involving obstacles to ranging iv) Chain Survey of a small area.  
  2. Compass Surveying i) a) Study of prismatic compass b) Setting the compass and taking observations c) Measuring angles between the lines meeting at a point  
  3. Levelling i) a) Study of dumpy level and levelling staff b) Temporary adjustments of various levels c) Taking staff readings on different stations from the single setting and finding differences of level between them ii) a) To find out difference of level between two distant points by shifting the instrument iii) Longitudinal and cross sectioning of a road/railway/canal iv) Setting a gradient by dumpy and auto-level  
  4. Plane Table Surveying i) a) Study of the plane table survey equipment b) Setting the plane table c) Marking the North direction d) Plotting a few points by radiation method ii) a) Orientation by – Trough compass – Back sighting b) Plotting few points by intersection, radiation and resection method iii) Traversing an area with a plane table (at least five lines)  
  5. Layout of Buildings (from given drawing of two room residential building) by use of surveying instruments.


Energy Conservation

Mr.Rakesh kumar mishra

1. lux meter,  

2. air conditioner,  

3. centrifugal pump,  

4. air compressor

1. To conduct load survey and power consumption calculations of small building.  

2. To check efficacy of different lamps by measuring power consumption and lumens using lux meter.  

3. To measure energy efficiency ratio (EER) of an air conditioner. 

4. To measure effect of valve throttling and variable frequency drive (VFD ) on energy consumption by centrifugal pump. 

5. To measure and calculate energy saving by arresting air leakages in compressor.  

6. To measure the effect of blower speed on energy consumed by it.



RCC Drawing

Mr.Sunil verma

Drawing Desk

RC Drawing: Reinforcement details from the given data for the following structural elements with bar bending schedules (i) General instruction and rules,

Drawing 1- lap, joint, development drawing: length, rings, hook etc.

Drawing No. 2: RC Slabs – One way slab, Two way slab and Cantilever Slab.

Drawing No.3: Beams – Singly and doubly reinforced rectangular beams and Cantilever beam (All beams with vertical stirrups), T Beam, Tapered Beam.

Drawing No.4: Columns and Footings – Square, Rectangular and Circular Columns with lateral ties and their isolated sloped column footings, column and beam junction

Drawing No. 5: Portal Frame – Three bay two storey RC portal frame with blow up of column beam junctions. (vi) Drawing of cantilever retaining wall showing details of all the members and reinforcement. (vii) Drawing of Intze type water tank showing details of all the members and reinforcement.

Drawing No. 6 : Draw at least one sheet using AutoCAD software



Surveying – II

Mr. Shivam gupta

1. Theodolite,

2. Total station,

 3. Ranging rod,


I. Contouring i) Preparing a contour plan by radial line method by the use of a Tangent Clinometer/Tachometer ii) Preparing a contour plan by method of squares iii) Preparing a contour plan of a Road/Railway track/Canal by taking cross sections. 

II. Theodolite i) Taking out the Theodilite, mounting on the tripod and placing it back in the box ii) Study of a transit vernier theodolite; temporary adjustments of theodolite iii) Reading the vernier and working out the least count, measurement of horizontal angles by repetition and reiteration methods iv) Measurement of vertical angles and use of tachometric tables v) Measurement of magnetic bearing of a line vi) Running a closed traverse with a theodolite (at least five sides) and its plotting vii) Height of objects with and without accessible bases  

III. Curves i) Setting out of a simple circular curve with given data by the following methods a) Offsets from the chords produced b) One theodolite method  

IV. Minor instruments i) Demonstration and use of minor instruments like Ceylon Ghat Tracer, Tangent Clinometer, Pantagraph, Abney level etc ii) Use of planimeter for computing areas  

V. Demonstration of digital instruments Periodic field visits to Survey of India and other government agencies.

VI. To plot an area with the help of Total Station



Transportation Engg.

Mr. Ashish puri

1. Tensile Stress apparatus,  2. penksy & martens apparatus

Testing of properties of bitumen and aggregate




Mr. Veenesh yadav

design & analysis of structure

design & analysis of structure

Faculty Details