Information Technology
- HOD Message
- Vision-Mission
- Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- Program Outcomes (POs)
- R & D Activities
Greetings! On behalf of the faculty members, staff, and students of the Department of Information Technology of B.N. College of Engineering & Technology us (BNCET) at Lucknow, I Shruti Agarwal (HOD-IT) welcome you all to the creative world of IT. I believe the IT discipline has been widely recognized as an essential source and technique for the advancements in all spheres of human Endeavour now and in future. In BNCET all students get the opportunity to excel in their academic activities.
This is the department where students wishing to achieve some recognition in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities will also find the atmosphere helpful.
Ms. Shruti Agarwal
To produce Computer Science engineers capable of facing new challenges with strong technical capabilities, innovative ideas and morality to meet out IT industry requirements for solving the social needs.
- M1 – To prepare the students with strong fundamental concepts, analytical capabilities, problem solving skills with innovative thoughts to address global challenges by providing effective teaching and learning process.
- M2 – To educate students on emerging technologies for serving industry needs by providing state-of-art equipped labs, qualified and skilled faculties and interaction with industry experts through guest lecturers/seminar/workshops.
- M3 – To develop habit of continuous learning, team work, good communication skills, professional attitude and social awareness among students through various extra-curricular and co-curricular events.
- PE 1 -To expose students to make use of modern skills, tools and techniques of computer science and IT Industry with inherent morality so that they can successfully analyze, design and create innovative solutions for real life problems that are economically and socially viable.
- PE 2 -To develop continuous learning attitude to effectively deal with the new technical challenges and changing career opportunities.
- PE 3 -To prepare students for teamwork skills, effective communication, professional attitude and ability to relate computer engineering issues with social awareness.
- Apply the knowledge of electrical machines and power systems for problem analysis and developing solutions using modern tools and technologies.
- Testing and maintenance of various electrical equipments.
- Graduates will be able to design, invent and develop the innovative technology in the field of electrical engineering for the benefit of society and environment.
- Graduates will be able to efficiently communicate, work in team and manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
- Graduates will be able to ethically engage themselves independently for the life-long learning.
Publication in national / international journal
Year-wise Title of Paper Total publications 2019-20 1. Akhilesh K. Gupta, Paulson Samuel and Deepak Kumar, “Speed Control of PMSM Drive using Jaya Optimization”, in Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 607, pp. 247-256, Springer, Singapore, 2020. 2. Akhilesh K. Gupta, Paulson Samuel and Deepak Kumar, “Jaya Optimization based PID Controller for Z-Source Inverter”, in Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 607, pp. 257-267, Springer, Singapore, 2020. 3. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Genetic Algorithm Based IMC Design for Load Frequency Control of Two Area Power Systems Using Model Reduction”, in Electric Power Components and Systems, (Under revision). (SCI) 4. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “A New Control Scheme of IMC-PID Load Frequency Controller for Two-Area Power System via Model Approximation and Differential Evolution”, in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, (Under Review). (Scopus) 5. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Dual Loop IMC Structure for Load Frequency Control Issue of Multi-Area Multi-Sources Power Systems”, in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 112, pp. 476-494, 2019. (SCI) 6. Akhilesh Kr. Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Order Reduction of Linear Time Invariant System using Eigen Permutation and Jaya Optimization,” in Engineering Optimization, Vol. 51, Issue 9, pp. 1626-1643, 2019. (SCI) 7. Akhilesh K. Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “A Mixed Method for Order Reduction of Linear Time Invariant Systems using Big Bang-Big Crunch And Eigen Spectrum Algorithms”, in International Journal of Automation and Control, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 158-175, 2019. (ESCI) 8. Book Chapter: Kumar S., Bharati K.K., Shukla A. (2020) Upcoming Power Crisis in India—Increasing Electricity Demand. In: Giri V., Verma N., Patel R., Singh V. (eds) Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Springer, Singapore. 8 2018-19 1. Sushil Kumar, Aman Shukla, “Phase Synchronisation of Distributed Energy Sources using Smart Grid”, in IJARSE, Volume 14, Number 2, February, 2019 (ISSN 0973-4562). (Scopus) 2. Sushil Kumar, Vaibhav Shukla, “Study of Performing Standalone PV Generation System” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 14, Number 2, February, 2019 (ISSN 0973-4562). (Scopus) 3. Akhilesh K. Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “A Meta-Heuristic Cuckoo Search and Eigen Permutation Approach for Model Order Reduction”, in Sadhana, Vol. 43, Issue 65, pp. 1-11, May 2018. (SCI) 4. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Design of Two Degree of Freedom-Internal Model Control Configuration for Load Frequency Control Using Model Approximation”, in International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol.39, pp-27-37, 2018. (Scopus) 4 2017-18 1. Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Order Reduction of Continuous LTI Systems using Harmony Search Optimization with Retention of Dominant Poles”, in International Journal of Control Theory and Application, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp. 269-277, 2017. (Scopus) 2. Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Mallikarjuna Reddy Bandi, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “BBBC based Optimization of PI Controller Parameters for Buck Converter,” in Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), Vellore, pp. 1-6, 2017. 3. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “A Modified Two-Degree of Freedom-Internal Model Control Configuration for Load Frequency Control of a Single Area Power System”, in Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Vol. 25, pp. 4624-4635, 2017. (SCI) 3 Publication in national / international Conference
Year-wise Title of Paper Total publications 2019-20 1. Chhabindra Singh, Akhilesh Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “A Mixed Approach for Model Reduction Using Differential Evolution and Eigen Permutation”, in International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing, AISCC-2020, MNIT Jaipur. (presented) 2. Akhilesh Gupta, Chhabindra Singh, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Modified Eigen Permutation Based Model Simplification of LTI Systems using Evolutionary Algorithm”, in International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing, AISCC-2020, MNIT Jaipur. (presented). 3. Abhishek Mishra, Shubham Kumar, “Design and Implementation of IoT Based Smart Agriculture and Health-Care”, in National Conference on Emerging Innovations in Agriculture, Biotechnology and Health Sciences, November, 2019. 4. Abhishek Mishra, Vikash Kumar, Poonam Gupta, Sonam Gupta, Rahul Pandey, “Solid Waste Management”, in National Conference on Emerging Innovations in Agriculture, Biotechnology and Health Sciences, November, 2019. 5. Neha Mishra, Arman Khan, Jitendra Kumar Srivastava, “A Review Paper on IOT Based Solar Induction Cooker”, in National Conference on Emerging Innovations in Agriculture, Biotechnology and Health Sciences, November, 2019 (ISBN: 978-93-5391-723-4). 6. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Differential Evolution based IMC Scheme for Load Frequency Control of Single-Area Power Systems”, TENCON-2019, 17 – 20 October, 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala, India. (Accepted & Presented). 7. Chhabindra Nath Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Improved Pole Clustering based Simplification of Complex Systems using Big Bang-Big Crunch Optimization,” presented in 5th IEEE Students’ conference on Engineering and Systems, SCES 2019, MNNIT Allahabad. 8. Lalit Kumar, Rajendra Prasad, Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Deepak Kumar, Manoj Kumar and Bhola Jha, “Modified Least-Square based Model Reduction using Time Moments and Markov Parameters”, in IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Kolkata, India, 2019, pp. 441-446. 9. Shivam Kumar Prajapati, Jitendra Kumar Srivastava, Abhishek Mishra, “Sustainable Solar Powered Bicycle”, in International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental & Disaster Science, SPEEDS-2019. 09 2018-19 1. Bheem Sonker, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Genetic Algorithm Based TDF-IMC Scheme for Load Frequency Control of Single-Area Power Systems”, in 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2018), 22-24 October, 2018, DTU Delhi, (Accepted & Presented). 2. Chhabindra Nath Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Fuzzy C-means based model simplification using Jaya optimization algorithm”, in 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, India, 2018, pp. 881-885. 2 2017-18 1. Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Deepak Kumar and Paulson Samuel, “Order Reduction of Continuous LTI Systems using Harmony Search Optimization with retention of dominant poles,” in Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM), Goa, 2017. 1 Best Projects
Session: 2019-20 Sr. No Name of the Student Name of Guide Project Title Brief Description 1 Ponam Gupta Dr. Abhishek Mishra Solid Waste Sorting System As increase in the population the waste material management has become the major problem to the society and country. People just throw waste material here and there which leads to the increase in the pollution and makes our surrounding dirty. The automatic waste segregation is the one solution to reduce the solid waste pollution control and waste management. This also help in the saving the resources which help in preserve the environment and provide healthy and safe society. In the system there are energy saving feature and measurement feature are installed so the it will not only help in the maintain the solid waste but also help in these field. In the system there are three main smart proximity sensor, servomotor and microcontroller are used. These proximity sensor are inductive sensor to detect metal waste and segregate the metal in the particular bin. Glass sensor is for sense the glass waste and segregates the glass waste in the particular bin with the help of the servomotor in their respective bin. The last one is the capacitive sensor which is used to detect the insulating material such as the plastic, paper and other. If none of the sensor able to identify any of these three solid waste then the object to fall in the last bin. There is the IR sensor setup which will installed the system whenever the object is identify in the initial container and trigger the system with the single relay module and switch off the system whenever there is no object found in the initial container. There is another IR sensor and microcontroller setup is installed for count the number of the object segregated. Sonam Gupta Vikas Rahul Pandey Sonam Gupta Vikas Rahul Pandey
Course Outcomes
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Faculty Details

Ms. Shruti Agarwal
Head of Department

Ms. Shruti Agarwal
Head of Department

Mr. Ajeet Yadav
Assistant Professor

Mr. Ajeet Yadav
Assistant Professor

Ms. Akanksha Yadav
Assistant Professor

Ms. Akanksha Yadav
Assistant Professor

Mrs. Noopur Saxena
Assistant Professor

Mrs. Noopur Saxena
Assistant Professor

Ms. Nikhate Ujma Khan
Assistant Professor

Ms. Nikhate Ujma Khan
Assistant Professor

Mr. Atul Tiwari
Assistant Professor

Mr. Atul Tiwari
Assistant Professor